Materials Processing/Bulk Stock Management


Stock management is handled in ITAS in 2 different methods, depending on the type of business being handled. The MATPRO suite of applications is less suitable for tracking container loads of goods held/sold on a separate identity basis e.g. bags of coffee/cocoa beans. TRADE in the Physicals Trading suite handles the small parcel style of warehousing/stock/processing in a more efficient manner.

The MATPRO subsystem is used for stock/inventory scenarios of a bulk nature where there is a regular in-flow/out-turn of similar products through specific holding areas e.g. Oils, Sugar, Cereals, Molasses, Fats pumped in/out of tanks. Processes such as Refining to add to the bulk holding are also handled in MATPRO, as is the intake of raw material from varied sources e.g. TRADE purchase, spot/cash receipt of goods, weighbridge readings. 

MATPRO handles continuous processing whereby intakes are recorded (either manually or automatically from weighbridge interface) with varied information being collected e.g. driver, truck registration, estimated weight, loaded weight, field location.  Subsequent processes link the intakes with stock movements in the factory/mill with the result that reports can be produced showing the yield from intake through different processing stages.

The MATPRO subsystem is the glue in a Production, Distribution, Storage operation where physical sales, logistics, 3rd party storage handling, mixing/processing, traceability, sales performance analysis, sampling/analysis, B.O.M. are all integrated with B2B links for other processes such as tank-farm process control, weighbridges.

MATPRO is multi currency but it is preferred, for accounting reasons, that the cost of stock is established in the local currency, once goods are in a 'stocks' classified account (WIP).

The STOCKS procedure handles all of the following scenarios: -
a)      Farmer delivers raw cane to mill (WIP account);- accrual accounting, weighbridge B2B interface (ALOAD), continuous processing
b)   Mill collects cane as a bulk unit and crushes tonnage into other products;- Processing (STOCKS), Quality Performanace (LABIN), Yield Analysis etc.
c)   Mill delivers Sugar to local warehouse or direct to ship, Mill sells/delivers other by-products e.g. Molasses to another party.
d)   Local warehouse/refinery may process some of it’s stock and/or deliver onto Charter(vessel)
e)   Charter (vessel) is monitored as regards it’s performance (CHARTER), e.g. sailing dates, destinations.
f)    From the charter, goods can be offloaded in full/part onto another charter/vessel, into other storage units or fulfilled with back-to-back sales
g)   There is a choice when offloading into other/shore storage, either into a 'transit' unit or a fixed unit. A transit unit then allows the goods to be transhipped to a smaller vessel or to a back-to-back sale.
h)   Stock in a shore tank can be processed, moved to another site/tank, used as a part of a mixing or put onto a charter.
The above shows that the MATPRO subsystem can handle many aspects of Materials Processing in both tonnage and monetary units. This is fully integrated with the ITAS trading and accounting and any single stock movement can be reversed subsequently to handle miss-postings/misinformation.

Production Execution

A very simplistic overview of how a production plant may operate some of the MATPRO features:-
a) STOCKS is used for intakes, tank-to-tank movements, shoretank-to-charter
b) Sales orders are called-off in TRADE with a release number and are immediately shown on the production schedule PROSCHED
c) Manufacturing orders are setup in the procedure PROSCHED
d) PQIS (Product Quality Instruction Sheet) provides least cost formula blending to create optimum mixing sheets, specifications and other support documentation e.g. Feed tags
e) Automated or manual pumping/loading information can be collected from weighbridge and processing software (ALOAD is the manual procedure)
f) PROSCHED handles the following processes;
    . list outstanding delivery orders with status commentary from production
    . produce mixing schedules and other documentation
    . handle manual loading and stock movements where no mixing involved i.e. simple delivery
      from a single tank with/without other ingredients
    . interface with weighbridge software
    . view specific installation/depots or all depots
    . view any history of production
    . provide a colour scheme on schedule for ease of recognition of delivery status
    . allow the Production staff to ‘reject an order’
g) TRADE can be used optionally to enter all aspects of a delivery e.g. load weight, final weight, what tanks have been used


Contents of Materials Processing/Bulk Stock Management

  • STOCKS - Stock Accounts Maintenance

    Stock Trace Administration What is STOCKS This procedure handles the movement of bulk product from/to STOCK units with their respective accounting postings between WIP accounts. Movements between different storage units, sales to TRADE and WIP ...

  • STOCKSQ- Inventory Reports

    What is STOCKSQ STOCKSQ provides simple reviews of the stock positions as at the time of operating the enquiry illustrating own and 3rd party quantities and value. Other report styles are a movements report for ...

  • PQIS - Product Quality Instructions

    What is PQIS PQIS are the procedures for maintaining the Quality details needed by manufacturing systems e.g. manual mixing, ATH Autoterm. These details are also needed in the ITAS Quality Management Reporting (DELREP). ATH is ...

  • ITOP - Position Reports

    What is ITOP The main purpose for this report is to produce a combined STOCKS and TRADE evaluation of Open positions. The prices are calculated to an Extank basis for retail style decision making. STOCKSQ ...

  • ALOAD - Import Loadings

    What is ALOAD Also see ALOADI This procedure is in 2 parts, one is the interface with 3rd party loading databases and the other element is the actual import into the ITAS tables of the ...

  • REDBOOK - Redbook Sample Analysis

    What is REDBOOK, SAMPANAL The results of sample analysis can be entered in TRADE, WIP, CHARTERS, SAMPANAL and REDBOOK. The details of what is to be recorded will have been setup in PHYSCODES/Analysis and the ...

  • LABIN - Lab Entry of Sample Results

    What is LABIN is the procedure to maintain the analysis of previously entered samples, either from TRADE, WIP/CHARTERS, STOCKS, STKMAN, PROSCHED and PROMAN processes. More than one sample/LABIN can be maintained for any source product ...

  • ITURN - Sales Performance by Invoiced MT

    What is ITURN This procedure reports Sales invoice performance in several different styles/sequences using the TRADE/Invoice marking totals. The purpose of this report is to provide Management information, not fiscal reconciliation. An important condition for ...

  • DELE - Loaded/Delivered Details

    What is DELE DELE is the tool to maintain the loaded, delivered, final weights and actual qualities. Pumped weights would have previously been attached to the sales call-off either automatically by the weigh-bridge interface procedure ...

  • DELREP - Stock/Delivery Reports


  • PROTANK - Production Schedule (Bulk/Liquid Products)

    What is Processing of bulk/liquid products i.e. Silos of material which can be mixed and delivered out in bulk, in a Retail/distribution mode. The C2C interaction is usually Weighbridge software but can be SCADA(3rd party ...


  • WB - Weigh Bridge Interface

    WB and WBRIDGE are the ITAS components of an automated system for transferring delivery weights etc What is WB Weighbridge communication is handled by a dedicated service, the ITAS Weighbridge service. Its sole purpose is ...

  • THIRDP - 3rd Party Reports

    What is THIRDP THIRDP is a reporting tool for the summarised viewing of the 3 main components of the 3rd Party Storage/Delivery sub-system i.e. Stock quantities by Owner/Vessel, Delivery Detail and the Usage Statement. Some ...

  • EXPED - Expeditor Functions

    What is EXPED A10 / Run Mode 4

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