ALOAD - Import Loadings

What is ALOAD

Also see ALOADI
This procedure is in 2 parts, one is the interface with 3rd party loading databases and the other element is the actual import into the ITAS tables of the B2B data.  Each import is specific to the operation being interfaced, so Hivedome will be involved in developing new software for each situation.

1.  3rd party sources are:-
a)     ATH process control subsystem.  Data is located on a CommPc in an explicit directory structure vax\report with a space delimited list of loadings with content as Quality, Release No, Tank1, Tank2, Volume1, Volume2, H2O, Brix, Temp*10, Date/time, Dose, ErrorNo, SPG x many
b)     Weighbridge (XML import).

2. The import routine for ATH interface allows the user to modify the import and then confirm to update ITAS.  Other import routines will also allow modification before attempt to parse/update ITAS.  It needs to be recognized that a 3rd Party import may not be integral to ITAS data unless ITAS controls are applied to the entry of information in the 3rd Party software e.g. Weighbridge data may have the wrong release number.

XML import format:
<<int01_identity>>  numeric integer
<<int01_date>> date of action in YYYYMMDD format
<<int01_vehiclereg>> free format (max 15)  truck registration
<<int01_collectionpoint>> free format (max 8) information from 3rd party system/user, represents where goods collected
<<int01_field>> free format (max 8) information from 3rd party system/user, represents where goods collected
<<int01_block>> free format (max 8) information from 3rd party system/user, represents where goods collected
<<int01_wtcode>> max 4 characters e.g. MT
<<int01_quantity>> numeric with max 4 decimal places, the Weighbridge weight
<<int01_estquantity>> numeric with max 4 decimal places, the estimated weight from 3rd party system/user, represents the field estimation of weight to be collected.

This is an alternative (very similar) process used by MLP Italia.
It handles 4 import record types
a)     CIN = Intakes
b)     SMM = Sale deliveries
c)     TRA = tank transfer
Note: Type VCD is ignored by ALOADI
It is a specialist ITAS structural setup with template TRADE and WIP units setup with c2c coding

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