Requesting An ITAS Service Pack


Hivedome operates a quarterly release cycle to provide users with at least four service packs per calendar year. A schedule that’s suits you will be agreed following the implementation of the software and shortly before the agreed date Hivedome will contact you to schedule a time to start the deployment.

Service packs can also be produced and deployed on an ad hoc basis, so if your business has had confirmation from Hivedome that a change you’ve requested has been completed and you would like it installed in an out of cycle deployment then this can be arranged too.

ITAS Service Pack Request Form

All ITAS service packs are requested by completing an ITAS Service Pack Request Form. The form consists of two pages and must be completed by an ITAS Administrator/Super User with the authority to approve such work be undertaken. To Download the latest ITAS service Packs Request Form, click Here.

Page one of the form below, sets out the responsibilities of both parties, i.e. you the customer and Hivedome or HDMCS, leading up to and during the deployment process. It is important that this section is read and fully understood before proceeding to the second page and completing the request details:

If you have any questions about any of the information contained on this page, then please contact Hivedome before submitting any request.

Page two below details the reason for the request and when you would prefer to have the service packs installed or made available for installation:

To ensure the form is completed follow the guidelines below:

Section 1 – Requester Details

Please add your contact details.

Section 2 – Server Details

Please add details of the server that is to be updated, this is especially important if your organisation has more than one ITAS server,

Section 3 – Request Details

Please add the reason why this deployment is being scheduled. For example, if you are expecting a specific change relating to a Zendesk ticket or recent development, please add these details so that they can be confirmed as completed and will be included in the service pack. 

Section 4 – Deployment Details

*Only complete this section if you require Hivedome or HDMCS to install the ITAS service packs on your behalf*

Please add your preferred date and time that you would like Hivedome to install the service packs and we will do our best to accommodate.

It is HIGHLY recommended a backup of your ITAS SQL Database is taken prior to the deployment of ALL ITAS service packs to prevent any loss of data in the unlikely event we encounter an issue that means we would need to roll back the database. Please enter details of how and when this will be completed by your IT team.

If you require Hivedome or HDMCS to take a backup on your behalf, please request and this can be arranged.

Section 4 – Service Pack Delivery Details

*Only complete this section if you/someone at you organise plan to install the ITAS service packs*

Add the date you would like the ITAS service packs made available. All service pack files are downloaded from our FTP server by you but if this is not possible then please let us know the details of the server they should be delivered to.

Once the form is complete it should be submitted to Hivedome via Zendesk.

Please note that if the form is returned incomplete, we will not be able to proceed with the deployment until all required information is obtained. 


Your ITAS Administrators/Super users will be given access to Zendesk, Hivedome’s user support portal, to enable them to create support tickets on behalf of your users. They’ll be able to ask questions about functionality; get help with any issues they might have as well as submit requests for ITAS service packs and deployments.

To request an ITAS service pack or deployment, visit the following website Once logged in your personal Zendesk portal will be displayed.


Scroll down to locate the Submit a request button.

Click to create a new ticket. Complete the ITAS Software Support form, ensuring to complete all required fields marked with *

Also ensure that the completed ITAS Service Pack Request Form is uploaded


Click on Submit to create the new ticket and submit the request to Hivedome. Once Hivedome have received the completed request form, you will receive confirmation of whether the preferred deployment time can be accommodated.

If you have any issues accessing Zendesk or submitting a request, please contact Hivedome

These instructions can also be downloaded Here.

Contents of Requesting ITAS Service Packs

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