Unindexed Documents

The Unindexed Documents facility enables users to view the unindexed documents within the ITAS Document Management system. All of the documents are listed in a data grid that can be configured based on the user preferences. Any of the documents can be indexed by assigning the required entities.

The Data grid includes all of the standard ITAS grid functionality and the following options (from the context menu shown on right mouse click on a row in the grid):

  • Assign Trading Entity to a document
  • Assign Document Type
  • Assign Multiple Properties
  • Open/Edit/Rename Documents
  • Copy to...
  • Email to...
  • Document Properties

Indexing a document

Assign the mandatory Entity ID's to the fields containing the exclamation mark icon.

When a document has all the necessary assignments it is automatically sent to the Company Documents list and marked with a tick icon in the right column. The document is removed from the Unindexed Documents when the grid is refreshed.


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