1. Q.  What is the cause of a limited or No View in Production Order screen. A. Probably the IDD has not been setup fully for fact20  table

2. Q.  What is the cause of a created PO being unavailable for subsequent right click functions in it's screen.  A. Incorrect PROMAN parameter setup

3. Q.  Why are intake values not including the expected Costs and any Sugar Polarisation ? A. Probably the PHYSCODES have not been setup correct or the S01 Adjust Value parameter is incorrect

4. Why does PROMAN validate against terminal and dept, Is not the dept supposed to only be notational for accounting and similar analyses?  A. There can not be one dept buying product and another dept selling it without an internal transfer, and after the PO the outturns will be in the PO dept  so you would have a massive loss in dept A and a massive profit in dept B.  What most manufacturing organisations do is have a buying dept and the goods are taken in and stored as that dept. Then within PROMAN,  dept transfer is executed to transfer the goods to the processing or selling dept at a transfer price.  PROMAN stock is the inventory value in both the position and P&L  (GPLREP) and accounts (EOMPO), so the dept is important. 

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