RECAPS - Trade Recaps/Intraday

What is RECAPS

Each accounts’ details for a selected period are listed for review prior to CLIDOCS Production and dispatch. These reports allows the operating company to review all the administration activities that have been actioned in a specific period e.g. since yesterday midday. There are other report styles to facilitate checking of brokers positions and traders activities
The styles are:-
a)       Client/House trading in deal number sequence.  This will use the selected date range to list the account trading details in serial number order in their respective blocks of activity i.e. Option Abandonment, Option Exercises, New business F&O, New business FX, new business CFD, F&O/CFD settlements, accounting entries.  This is used by the operations personnel to check everything looks Ok before dispatching client documents
b)       Full listing by broker.  This will produce a report to fully reconcile with the brokers positional recaps
c)       Full positions of Client/House accounts. There are no date restrictions and all F&O, CFD, FX positions are reported for each account
d)       Client/House (CLI .T type only) Recaps by Trader.  This will use the selected date(s) to list each of their accounts’ trading and accounting movements with a separate page(s) per trader.  This report will be used by the traders to confirm their trade entries with the manual tickets and to view the individual trade commission (gross and net). The ‘trader’ for each trading account is maintained in CLI/View/Trading details

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