INTVAL - View/Amend Values Used in Interest

NETLIQ - View/Amend Values used in EARNINGS/INTREP



Various (daily) secured segments of Client/Department data are available for amendment and charting. This data is secured from the EQUITY and overnight housekeeping routines.
INTVAL and NETLIQ can be used to view either an account or a departments’ values applying a date range and then amendment and/or charting processing.  The report icon on the tool bar allows for selective viewing of the historically secured data or a summary report of the previous COB secured information.
These values are used in Integrated Interest Reporting (INTREP)
Note that the individual segments of data, although related, can be changed at the user's discretion i.e. there is no integrity checks. The AUDIT procedure can be used to view all changes.

How the data is collected

a)      Client accounts (any type) will secure daily (COB) ledger balances for each currency that has been nominated for ‘Interest Interest’ in the CLI/View procedure.  The F&O positions are maintained by a formal operation of the EQUITY process, as are the ledger balances for .T accounts.
b)      Hivedome can set up that a company will (alternative to processing .T client accounts) collect cash usage balances for every department/currency combination. The process will review every CI, CP, FJ, DA, IT document that has been posted to a non-bank account (WIP, CLI and NOM ledgers) and any EJ documents on the CI,CP,FJ, DA, IT.  This results in a very effective analysis of how ‘cash’ is utilized by the different departments. The department code used is the transactions’ code so a cash document should be posted to the client correctly i.e. split the amount between different departments, if necessary.
Because of the EJL process and the backdating features in ITAS, the cash usage collection is actioned retrospectively for a maximum 22 working days each night to ensure that good values exist before INTREP is actioned. The 22 day review will not process beyond a previous month end.